a sun hat and a book on a beach towel
Holistic Wealth

Embrace Nature: Ideas for a Frugal and Eco-Friendly Staycation

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Looking to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life without straying too far from home? Staycations provide the perfect opportunity to recharge and relax in the comfort of your own surroundings. And why not take it a step further by incorporating eco-friendly practices into your staycation plans? In this blog post, we’ll go through a collection of inspiring staycation ideas that not only promote natural living but also help you save money.

Planning an Eco-Friendly Staycation

The key to vacation success is planning! In this phase, you need to take some time to brainstorm and write everything down, so open a new document or get out a lovely planner. A staycation is based on the resources and the sites in your area, so write down all the typical things that tourists do when they visit. What would you show them if they asked?

Another thing to consider, is your transportation options. You will want to keep your car parked as long as possible, both due to the price of gas / electricity, but also to save the environment as much as possible during your vacation.

Once you have your sites and your transportations down, you will have a menu of where to go and how to get there.

You will also want to check out the weather forecast so that you know when to go where.

Do you need to fix anything before your staycation? A bus card, or new breaks on your bicycle, maybe? Make a list of that too, and get going.

Exploring Sustainable Staycation Ideas for Accomodation

Sometimes, we need to get outside of our own home to feel like we’re truly getting a break from everyday life. But the good news is that you really don’t have to travel far. A pop up tent in a forest nearby will do the trick, or how about driving your caravan down to the river for a few nights? If you don’t own one, you can easily rent it.

Are there any sites you would love to camp? Make a list!

There are also cabins to visit if you want to get out of the city for a while. Try Airbnb if your place has natural areas with cabins to rent.

If you choose a tent, a caravan or a cabin for accommodation, you will get to experience nature in a much more tangible way than if you just stay in your own living space. At the same time, you will do it in a more sustainable and ecofriendly way than you would have if you got on a plane and checked into a hotel somewhere.

Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Staycation

Let’s move on and look at the things that might not be all that obvious to a tourist or even to yourself. What are the best natural areas to go to? Are there any special places for bird watching or do you have any nature reserves or parks to visit? You may have dig around a bit to find them, but you can try local Facebook groups or talk to someone who knows a lot about these things.

Most places often have some hidden gems in form of trails that you can explore. To find them, you can download an app like Gaia GPS.

Relaxation and Mindfulness

Maybe you’re not the hiking type, or maybe the rain is pouring down like a river breaking its banks. No worries – you can make part of your vacation all about relaxing and mindfulness instead.

The first thing to do to prepare for those days, is to stock up with nice and inspiring books to read. To make a bargain, you can check out Amazon’s Deals of the Day or browse through their free Kindle books.

Make sure your supplies of organic berry tea and essential oils are taken care of, and see to it you have healthy veggie snack available too for those long, languid reading days.

If you are more spiritually inclined, you can get out you favorite oracle or tarot cards and dive deep into what you would like to manifest for the rest of the year. Make sure to journal all your revelations and inspired thoughts, so that you can put them into action when your staycation is over.

Oh, and yoga. Do the yoga. And the meditation. Maybe even a whole day of self care at home!

staycation ideas sustainable cooking

Staycation Ideas for Sustainable Dining

One of the things you may not have the time to explore in your everyday hustle and bustle, is the options you have to eat more sustainably at home. When you explore the area on your staycation, you may happen across some wonderful local farmers or other producers of food. Buy from them if you find them!

If you spend a lot of time out in nature, you may also come across fields of edible plants, berries or mushrooms. Gather them sustainably (don’t take more than a third of the crop) and prepare them when you get home. A dehydrator may come in handy.

In this way, you will fill up your fridge and pantry with locally sourced food, and you can spend your staycation learning how to cook with them. Depending on where you live, you may come up with some tasteful new dishes this way!

Supporting Other Local Businesses

During your staycation, one of the most impactful ways to contribute to the community and practice natural living is by supporting local and ethical businesses. By choosing to support the local stand-alone-shops and move your money out of the online world, you can make a positive difference for your entire community.

By supporting these enterprises, you not only promote sustainable practices but also help create a more vibrant and resilient local economy. So, make it a point to explore, discover, and support the local businesses during your staycation.

There are many ways you can do this, but one of the easiest ways is to have a meal at your local restaurant or café. If they don’t currently have local or organic meals on the menu, you can show your interest and make your wishes known. Maybe they’ll come around at a later point.

You can also support your local artists by buying their art, or go eco-shopping at one of the more mainstream shops in town. The more people who buy eco-friendly, the more the shop owners will want to expand their selection of sustainable products and contribute to a greener future.

In Conclusion…

Embracing nature and adopting eco-friendly practices during a frugal staycation can offer a refreshing and fulfilling experience. By exploring staycation ideas for sustainable accommodation options, engaging in eco-friendly activities, and prioritizing relaxation and mindfulness, you can create lasting memories while reducing your environmental impact.

Additionally, cooking and savoring sustainable meals, as well as supporting local and ethical businesses, contribute to a more sustainable and holistic staycation. Remember, a staycation doesn’t mean sacrificing adventure or relaxation – it’s an opportunity to reconnect with nature, appreciate your local surroundings, and practice natural living.

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