A Calming Morning Routine for a Soft Life
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It’s still January, dear reader, and the days are short and dark. Outside, the skies are grey and snow and rain (or rather: slush) is pouring down. That means it’s time to get really comfy inside, and focus deeply on slow and soft living while we wait for spring and more energy. And one perfect time to do just that, is in the mornings. Here are some ideas for a calming morning routine for a soft life.
#1: A Soft Wake-Up Call
Put away those screaming sirene wake-up alarms, and get yourself a soft sunrise alarm clock instead. This slowly lights up the room before it starts playing nature sounds, so that your mind and body will wake up softly and nicely with the perceived sunlight – just as nature intended. Then, take your time before you get up and wrap yourself in a comfy robe or a blanket.
#2: Essential Oils and Soothing Morning Sounds
Start your best morning track with soft music (I love this one!) and get your diffuser going as well. The music will lift your spirits, and so will the essential oils. Peppermint and lemon together make a wonderful morning diffuser blend!
#3: Hydrating Mindfully for a Gentle Start
After a long night’s sleep, you need hydration. A cup of organic lemon balm tea will feel both uplifting and destressing, and it’s perfect for your calming morning routine! Take long, thoughtful sips, and envision that the citrusy and bright flavors are filling you with light.
#4: Soft Movement to Begin Your Day
Now, roll out your woolen yoga mat and start by getting down into the child’s pose. Stay there for a few minutes and let your body tell you what needs to be stretched today. A nice reclining twist, maybe, or just breathe in the sleeping swan pose.
#5: Inviting Morning Light and Air
Pull the curtains aside and open the window to let in some fresh air and daylight. Observe what’s going on out there in the big world, and breathe it all in. If you believe, take some time to connect to higher sources and pray.

#6: A Simple Skin Care Ritual
The point of this calming morning routine is to slow it all down, so this is a wonderful time to simplify your skin care routine as well. You really only need a good cleanser and some moisturizer. Personally, I only use doTERRAs Facial Cleanser, Advanced Snail Mucin, and retinol eye serum from Beauty of Joseon.
#7: Enjoying a Nourishing Breakfast (unless you’re fasting, of course)
What makes a nourishing breakfast? That depends largely on which diet you prescribe to, but one rule of thumb is to make it as natural as possible. That could mean a bowl of organic fruit, a green smoothie, a nice omelet with eggs from pasture-raised hens, or even some grass-fed beef. Choose whatever is in alignment with your true beliefs, and make it pretty. I’m just in love with this embossed dinnerware!
#8: A Quiet Morning Walk
In a slow and soft lifestyle, you have the time to connect with nature and your community, so take a stroll around the neighborhood before you start the busy part of your day. Chat with the people you meet, take time to study nature, and resist the urge to make it into a workout.
#9: Creative Time
Hobbies and creativity are important, so take some time to develop yours, too. Play an instrument, paint a portrait, or maybe just knit a bit. Whatever it is, just do it slowly and mindfully, and connect with your own inner artist. Me, I’m trying to teach myself to play the guitar these days. I have one just like this. I’ll let you know if I ever figure it out!
#10: Plan the Rest of Your Week
Nothing says calmness and tranquility as having a clear plan of what the next days will bring, so take out your planner and write down three things you need to get done for each day of the week. Plot in all your important appointments as well, and make sure you create space for a self care day in there! I like to catch my appointments on the go in Google Calendar, and then organize it all into my physical planner when I get home. It’s well used, and in its last season, so I’m dreaming of this gorgeous duck egg blue Filofax Malden!
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