8 Slow Living Habits for a Balanced Life
Ah, slow living… I’m really falling in love with that concept, dear reader. There’s something so calming and romantic about it, just taking time to reflect and recharge and not having it be called laziness. As an eternal introvert, I really do enjoy the slow and soft life. And here are some of my slow living habits right now!
#1: Mindful Mornings
Forget about the stress and the hassle, dear reader, and create time to go slowly instead. I wrote a whole blog post about a calming morning routine the other day, but in short: Envision a cup of tea, calm music, a woolen yoga mat and some essential oils to start your day!
#2: Quality over Quantity
Another thing I’m thinking about a lot these days, are how we need to become more materialistic, not less. Hear me out: If you buy something, and you choose a more expensive quality, it will last you a long time. And that in turn saves you from having to replace it every so often. Thus, you save money and you save time, and may instead relish in the luxury you build over time. Hello, old money!
#3: Tech-Free Moments
The screens have taken over our lives. As I’m writing this on my laptop, I have my TV on, and I just checked my phone, too. It’s getting ridiculous, to tell you the truth. When I’m done typing up this blog post, I’ll turn it all off and spend some time without technology before I go to bed early. I know I’ll be so much better for it.
#4: Simple Pleasures
Do you remember what it was like, just doing one thing at a time? It seems so very long ago, but as a young girl in the 80s and 90s, I could just immerse myself in a novel and stay in bed all day – completely wrapped up in the one thing I was doing. It was simple. Easy. And so, so relaxing. Now, those moments are few and far between if I don’t consciously create them. I try to do something like that every day.

#5: Time Boundaries
Like I always tell my almost-grown daughter: If you don’t learn to say no and guard your time, people will take everything you’ve got. Work and school come with deadlines and schedules, there are events you have to show up for, and then family and friends who want a piece of your time too. It all adds up fast, and sometimes, it’s just too much. Say no when you really don’t have the energy.
#6: Mindful Consumption
Simplify, simplify, simplify. You don’t have to read every newspaper five times a day. You don’t have to check up on social every hour. You certainly don’t need to entertain yourself with true crime or movies that make your nervous system go haywire. Keep it nice and soft and calming, and make it worth your time.
#7: No-Sweat Work-Outs
Moving your body does not have to be about burning calories or even building muscle. A calm yin yoga practise will instead work on your fascia and over time soften what’s now restricted in both your body and your mind. Likewise, a calm walk in the forest may offer benefits beyond your level of fitness. It has been shown that both yoga and forest walks may help lower blood pressure, for one thing, and connect you with nature and to your own body.
#8: Stay Present and Breathe
One of the magical things about breathing, is that you can do it (almost) everywhere. Just pause, close your eyes, and take a deep, long breath. Release the air through your pursed lips, and feel your body relaxing. Repeat one or two more times – and you’ve created a calm moment for yourself, just like that.
When I incorporate these slow living habits into my daily life, I can really feel the difference—everything becomes more balanced and peaceful.
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